Most Bloggers Have A Subscribe By Email Rss Option On Their Blog Provided By Feedburner.When A Visitor To Your Blog Fills Out The Subscription Form They Must Confirm Or Verify Via An Email.However Often As Many As One In Five People Do Not Verify, Thus They Do Not Become Subscribers And Receive Your Latest Posts.In This Post I Will Share With You Some Methods That Will Help Get More Verified Email Rss Subscribers.
At the time of writing Spice Up Your Blog has just over 500 Rss Subscribers of which just over 300 subscribe by Email. Of that 300 an Amazing 92 have not verified their subscription !This is 92 regular readers lost, almost all of these people just didn't know they needed to verify or did not understand the Verification Email.
You can check your Email subscription stats in your Feedburner account.Simply log in to feedburner > Click on the feed you want the stats for > Chose 'Publicize' in the top menu > Click 'Email Subscriptions' in the side menu > Scroll to and click 'View Subscriber Details'.Here you will see a list of Email Subscribers and their status as verified or unverified.
So what can we do in an effort to get more subscribers to verify their subscription.This is something i have been thinking about and have two simple suggestions.
1. Add A Message Below The Subscription Form.
Most of you will have the Email Subscriptions form in your sidebars.Users can add their Email directly to the form and enter to get the process started.Simply add a line of text below the form like "We Will Sent You An Email Immediately After You Subscribe To Confirm, Make Sure To Click The Link In That Email Thanks".This will let the user know in advance they need to confirm which will lead to a higher verified subscriber count.Suggestions for the message are welcomed in the comments.
2. Personalize The Verification Email.
Did you know you can edit the verification Email ? In your Feedburner account you have the option to personalize the Email subscribers receive to verify.You can edit the Email From Address, Email Subject and The Actual Message In The Email.While the Email From Address is not too important making the subject and message more personal and informative will help.
To personalize your verification Email log into your Feedburner account > Choose the feed you want to edit > Click Publicize in the top menu > Click Email Subscriptions the side menu > Click Communication Preferences in the sub menu.
In the above screenshot from the Verification Email for Spice Up Your Blog you will see i haven't made too many changes from what you will see in your account.
*I changed the Address From Email to EmailRss@SpiceUpYourBlog.Com - That Email actually does not exsist as the Email address you use there does not need to be valid.However as the subscriber recently subscribed to the Spice Up Your Blog Email Rss it should register with them better.You can of course use any Email you like including your actual Email.
*I left the subject line as the default - You can of course change this and any ideas would be more than welcome in the comments.
*Message Body - I changed the opening greeting from the default "Hello There" to "Hi Paul Here From Spice Up Your Blog" - This is more personal making the subscriber more likely to read the rest of the Email and click the verification link.I also signed of by thanking them for subscribing.You can change the message in any way you like just make sure to leave the code "${confirmlink}" in tact as this will generate the link they need to click to verify the subscription.
I would be interested in any suggestions for the Email, Subject and message you may have, just post them in the comments.
Email Rss is in my opinion the best way to follow your favorite blogs and the best way for people to follow your blog.As you can see by my stats in the top of this post 300 of 500 subscribers use Email Rss so make sure to have the option available.We have more info onCreating Email Rss For Your Blog, More Great Feedburner Tips and make sure to Subscribe To The Spice Up Your Blog Email Rss.