The abs work in predominantly 8 different ways. This method trains them with exercises that target each of these ways.
- 1Start with a "lower ab" movement. Exercises such as hanging leg raises or reverse straight leg crunches will target the lower abs by initiating the movement of the pelvis towards a fixed or stabile upper body.
- 2Proceed to a "bottom up rotation" movement. By keeping the upper body fixed and rotating the lower body (such as in windshield wipers with either the legs straight or knees bent) you will target the abs in a way that they are meant to be, and help to start tying in the obliques as well.
- 3Perform a "mid-range" abs exercise. Mid-range ab exercises can be identified by any move that simultaneously moves the upper body and the lower body closer to each other, such as in a V-Up sit up or a medicine ball toe touch.
- 4Perform a "top down" rotation movement. These are identified by having a fixed lower body and twisting from just the waist up. Standing tubing twists can be a great example of this type of abs exercise and are easy to perform by attaching a piece of resistance tubing to a stable post.
- 5Move to an upper ab movement. While there is no such thing as an ability to isolate upper from lower abs, the relative direction of the movement influences the effects of the exercise. In the case of the upper abs, the upper torso will crunch down towards a nonmoving lower torso. A great example of this would be a traditional crunch or sit up.
- 6Targeted oblique work! Yep, one of the best ways to get a tapered set of six pack abs is to develop the obliques. With the obliques running down and inward, having a developed set of these muscles helps to give the illusion of a slimmer waistline and will help to "frame" the abs. A great oblique exercise is a side crunch with a leg lift - often called an guillotine crunch.
- 7The last two movements are often the most overlooked, because the abs aren't actually moving to do them! The first is a resisted extension movement, where forces want to pull you backwards but you won't let it. The "core death march" is a great example of this type of ab exercise.
- 8Finally, a resisted rotation movement will carve out those abs and put the finishing touches on this workout. Hold your arms out in front of you and rest them against a door frame. Try to push your arms into the frame. Obviously the door will not move anywhere and neither should your hands (if your abs are strong enough!). This type of isometric move is a key function of the abs that is often times not trained.